The First Anomolies of 2025
I found it hard to believe it when I saw these fuchsia blossoms on a plant that is growing in a secluded corner of the garden. Well actually it grows in my neighbour’s garden but blossoms in mine. The plant has just two leaves – so how on earth have these managed to thrive without…
After the Deluge – and Snow!
It is hard to believe that two of the crab apple trees are still holding on to some of their leaves this late in December. The vibrant colours give the area a festive look and I hope that they last until Christmas. The absence of much dramatic colour at this time of the year has…
The Last Days of the Supermoon
I am rather pleased with this dramatic effect which happened when I tried combining the last dog walk of the evening with a photograph of the moon. Who knew that a torch could be so effective. When I first read an article by Mick Kelly the founder of ‘Grow it Yourself’ about growing garlic I…
A Sting In The Tail
I am too busy looking after my trees, shrubs and vegetables to plant a lot of annual or perennial flowers. However, who needs them when you have tiny wildflowers thriving in the cracks of the dry stone wall. This is one of the moon jellyfish occupying my swimming place at the moment. I believe that…
The Storm Season Is Here
I was not at home when Storm Ashley hit this area, so was rather concerned about the garden given the damage caused by the storm last week. Luckily, there were no major issues and I was able to get to the house without using a chainsaw! The state of the garden is mixed. Many of…
Food for the Winter
The rosehips have been providing dramatic colour against rare blue skies. The driveway has one long bed of roses and it is the one area of the garden where I seem to have provided enough fruit both for myself and for the birds. I have made enough syrup to last me through the winter, although…
A Feast or a Famine
The short Indian summer has been perfect for sea swimming and in recent weeks the water has been at its warmest this summer. However, the garden has not done so well and it looks dry and dull before its time. I have little hope of stunning autumn colours as many of the leaves are have…
Proof – If Proof Were Needed
I am becoming obsessed with the snails’ behaviour on my Hosta and started a small experiment earlier this summer. This is the result – the plant on the right lives in a pot outside the house where the snails have to traverse a gravel driveway and cement to get to their target. Child’s play apparently.…
Horsefly Heaven, Human Hell
The moment I arrived at my new home over thirteen years ago, I was able to identify one of the few perfect spots for a small garden. It is triangular in shape and sits in a hollow at the bottom of the drive, so it was possible to make it almost totally windproof in a…